do you think it is correct? I don't want to appear to be bad
Most experienced models I have known over the past 4+ years will give them 2-3 warnings and "Bam" the hammer drops. that's not being "bad" that's fair to those that are there and paying their dues and showing proper etiquette.. I also believe that free guests and basic users that have -0- credits or a form of payment attached to their account should not be allowed into Party Shows for longer than 5 minutes, then blocked from entering Party Show for 24 hours or a payment account is opened and credits purchased. Whichever comes first. Blocks, or Bans should be on IP address and not just User Name.
Maybe I'm being "Bad" but I've been in enough Party Shows with my favorite trying to help her qualify for contest or just having some fun, with all them guests and basics begging for make me want to"Ban" them myself if I had that power.
Nuff said I'll get off my "soap Box" for now...